September 2021 - januari 2022, Helsingborg
“Time to get cosy with the cigarettsbutts. They’re constantly surrounding you, why not make them VERY CLOSE. We present to you - the stinky bean bags! Sit down and ENJOY. You wanted them close, right? That’s why you threw them on the ground, right? It’s SO. VERY. COSY. with cigarette butts. Material: Vinyl, cigarettbutts, foam rubber mattress. Quantity: 2 pieces.” Två sittmoduler som faktiskt INTE luktar cigarettfimpar trots att de än insydda i fodret. Skapades i samarbete med Helsingbutt. 


Selected Works

Lunds BarnkonsthallExhibition concept

Vivid Liquids (2023)Project type

OH. SO. COSY. (2021)Project type

Mary Anderssons parkProject type

RED DEAD IDEASProject type

FRANK gallery&studiosProject type

BID och Malmö stadProject type

Teater InstitutetProject type

GåsebäcksfestenProject type

DREAM Malmö LiveProject type

RIDDLProject type

SEARCH (REACH)Project type

FimpfickaProject type


Close To ArtProject type

Art with a bodyProject type

Skillinge teaterProject type

EspressöProject type