September 2021 - januari 2022, Helsingborg
“Time to get cosy with the cigarettsbutts. They’re constantly surrounding you, why not make them VERY CLOSE. We present to you - the stinky bean bags! Sit down and ENJOY. You wanted them close, right? That’s why you threw them on the ground, right? It’s SO. VERY. COSY. with cigarette butts. Material: Vinyl, cigarettbutts, foam rubber mattress. Quantity: 2 pieces.” Två sittmoduler som faktiskt INTE luktar cigarettfimpar trots att de än insydda i fodret. Skapades i samarbete med Helsingbutt.
Selected Works
Lunds BarnkonsthallExhibition concept
Vivid Liquids (2023)Project type
OH. SO. COSY. (2021)Project type
Förstudie kommuner samverkanProject type
Platsutveckling KävlingeProject type
Mary Anderssons parkProject type
RED DEAD IDEASProject type
Thelma In The UnderworldProject type
FRANK gallery&studiosProject type
BID och Malmö stadProject type
Teater InstitutetProject type
H22 CCA: External Side Of ArtProject type
GåsebäcksfestenProject type
DREAM Malmö LiveProject type
RIDDLProject type
SEARCH (REACH)Project type
FimpfickaProject type
Close To ArtProject type
Art with a bodyProject type
Skillinge teaterProject type
Event Manager MindparkProject type
We make the world a better placeProject type
EspressöProject type
Luftkastellet KonstmässaProject type
Hackaton Lunds konsthallProject type